By Unknown Selasa, 01 November 2016 Being a Bridesmaid in China Is So Dangerous That People Are Hiring Professionals In the Western world, bridesmaids are also known as maids of honor, but in China, they are more like maids of dishonor. From drinking large...
By Unknown 21.56 Patient’s Fart Sparks Serious Fire During Laser Surgery A report recently released by the Tokyo Medical University Hospital in Shinjuku Ward revealed that a patient suffered burns on most of her ...
By Unknown 21.40 India’s Most Generous Boss Rewards Thousands of Employees with Cars and Apartments It’s not entirely unusual for bosses of successful companies to give out bonuses to employees on major holidays, but how many can claim tha...
By twitterfollowers 05.19 Italian Doctor Creates Ice-Cream That Improves Sporting Performance “Who says that health foods have to taste bad?” That’s the question that inspired Italian cardiologist Dr. Valerio Sanguigni to create a t...